This is a game of powerful heroes, terrifying villains, and the conflicts between them in a world of comic book storytelling. The years of Sentinel Comics storytelling that Greater Than Games has produced have all lead up to this point, and now it’s time for you to take the reins of your own heroes and bring evil to justice! In Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game (or SCRPG , for short), whenever you take an action, you consult your Powers, Qualities, and your Status. You choose one of your Powers and one of your Qualities as the traits you’re using for the action. Then, you consult your Status: are you in the Green Zone? The Yellow Zone? The Red Zone? If you’re Out, you can only use your Incapacitated ability. And thus, we get the GYRO system: Green, Yellow, Red, and Out
BUILD YOUR COLLECTION: Stories are told thorugh panels, scenes, issues, and collections. Heroes must make their way through each in order to have the full comic book experience.