Vampire: The Masquerade Player's Guide 5th Edition
Product Details
UPC: 9781957311333
Brand: Renegade Game Studios
CONSOLIDATES 7 CLANS of Kindred not included in the core Vampire: The Masquerade rulebook: Banu Haqim, Hecata, Lasombra, The Ministry, Ravnos, Salubri & Tzimisce with their iconic Discipline powers.
COLLECTS previously published Discipline Powers, Blood Sorcery Rituals, and Thin-Blood Alchemy Formulae, plus includes over 40 new additions.
NEW SYSTEMS & ADVANTAGES for coteries, including clan coterie merits for each of the 13 great clans plus Caitiff, Duskborn, and Salubri.
SOURCEBOOK Full-color hardcover Sourcebook for the Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition RPG. Revisits all aspects of character and coterie creations, including streamlined guidance for new or experienced players.